Monday, June 12, 2017

Random Ramblings

It is so great to see my kids so happy with where we live.  Being in town and able to walk places is so nice.  Brielle and I walk to the post office almost daily, I make it a point to not get it on my way home so that we can have some girl time and talk the 4 blocks to the post office.  We can run up to the store for a few quick items if needed.  Tonight, Brie and I were walking from Dollar General, it's hot as balls out as well, and we see Braeden on his skateboard.  He joins us to go to the park then goes off on his own to find friends.  Yesterday, I came home with no kids and I had kids from the neighborhood wanting to play.

So much hesitation was taken away in a matter of a few weeks last year when we moved here.  The town is quiet, we have a nice big corner lot with a 4 way stop.  Braeden is on a travel soccer team, he tried out for the basketball team over here and made it! The last school he was at, didn't provide him with much hope.  He had no desire to play basketball until he made true friends here.  He made the teams for his talents and not his name.  I have watched too many kids play sports and they truly suck but they have the name!  That drives me crazy!  I am so glad to be away from where people may have known me and my past and assumed my kids were the same way.  People grow up and learn and want to make life better for their young ones.


This was such a hot weekend!  The kids spent time at grandma and grandpa's house and swam in the pool.  It is so nice to get back in the pool and just forget what is going on for the time being.  I pretend I am on vacation while in the pool and just enjoy every moment with my family.  We have some down time from soccer for about a month so I think I am enjoying our weekends more than anyone.  The only thing we have going on right now is gymnastics for Brielle.  Brae has soccer tryouts tomorrow and Thursday, but that is easy peasy compared to what our normal schedule is.  Pretty soon we will be back to soccer and gymnastics and girl scouts then add basketball and futsol.  This year is going way too fast already!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Marriage and Moving

Life can take quite unexpected turns.  It is amazing at how time apart can really pull 2 people back together.  In 2008 I thought I married the best person in the world.  Well..... come to find out when you have two strong headed people trying to live together in a new state (he was in the military)  it just doesn't work well.  He was stuck in his ways, I was stuck in my ways, and neither one of us would budge on how we thought.  We wanted the other person to change to how we wanted or expected them to be.  Needless to say.... almost exactly 2 years later we were divorced.  Now, we did stay in touch and we did connect from time to time for the next several years.  He dated other people, I tried to date other people but we both found ourselves wanting each other again.

In 2013, we seriously started seeing each other again and he then got out of the military and moved back in with me, my son and daughter.  It wasn't easy..... We still had our ways set, but the time apart made us realize that we also had to work together and not against each other.  He found a good job within just a few short months of being out of the military (I was prepared to join him again if he stayed in with my new mindset).  We talked through our issues (sometimes yelled) and seem to have a better bond than ever.  So April of 2016 we decided to tie the knot again and start all over as a family.   Phew..... It was a long road but we finally did it and are a family of 4.

With his job we decided to move into Indiana so he was a little closer to work and not an hour away.  Now he is only 15 minutes away.  We moved a few months after we got married last year and it was the best decision we have made.  Both the kids have made great new friends and they both have grown up so much.  Our son is now 13 (holy cow a teenager) and our daughter is 6 (going on 36).  I was so worried that the kids wouldn't adjust and then I would have wild children who got in trouble and hung out with the wrong people.  A parent's worst fear is their kids getting in the wrong crowd!

Our life isn't all flowers and butterflies, there is wind and fire added in, but we are making it work together and not against each other so the fire will burn steady, instead of being a massive forest fire that destroys everything. Our love for our kids and each other is keeping us focused and ready for our adventures.  Let me tell you, with a teenage boy we have an adventure everyday!